The Board of Cadogan Energy Solutions plc is committed to upholding the highest standards of business conduct throughout its operations. It sees this as key in helping to achieve its strategic aim of building a successful oil and gas business.
In order to do this all those who work for Cadogan have a responsibility to protect and continuously improve the Company’s reputation. This will be achieved by:
- Carrying out business in a professional manner to the highest standards of honesty and integrity;
- Complying with applicable laws and regulations in the countries in which the Company operates;
- Following the Company’s policies and procedures;
- Ensuing suppliers, contractors and third parties also adopt high ethical standards.
As part of its commitment the Board has approved the following policies, statements and programmes under the headline “Working With Integrity”:
The Company is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity in all of its dealings and relationships wherever it operates. The Company is committed to implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery.
Responsibility and Review
The Audit Committee has overall responsibility for this policy and for reviewing the effectiveness of actions taken in response to concerns raised.
The Company Secretary has day-to-day operational responsibility for this policy and must ensure that all managers and staff who may deal with concerns or investigations under this policy receive regular and appropriate training.
Managers have responsibility to facilitate the operation of this policy and to ensure that Employees feel able to raise concerns under this policy without fear of reprisals.
All Employees are responsible for the success of this policy and should ensure that they use it to disclose any suspected danger of wrongdoing.